Employee Stories

All Smiles

All Smiles

Janne is a young professional with a multidisciplinary background in corporate social responsibility and environmental engineering. In his free time, he enjoys many sports, including road cycling, ice hockey, and sports shooting.

Janne has been with TactoTek® for a bit over four years, and during this time, he has worked in multiple roles, ranging from quality management systems to product deployment to sustainability. His main responsibility area is to plan and develop the sustainability of IMSE® technologies. He also works as a Product Planner, where his responsibility is to own the link between sustainability and business.

“When I joined the company in 2018, I was a bright-eyed young guy who wanted to be part of something new, something exciting, and to be a part of a success story. Today, I’m a bit older and a part of everything I just said. I’ve enjoyed every moment of working here.”

Throughout his time at TactoTek, Janne has proven his worth as an employee with a solid can-do attitude.

“There are two things I value the most at TactoTek. First, I must mention the people. The amount of knowledge, kindness, enthusiasm, and passion is really what makes me want to get to the office every day of the week. Well, maybe not on the weekends, but you know what I mean. Everybody is a pleasure to work with, and I have made many good friends that I spend time with the outside of the office, as well. And I got to mention our hockey team that came second in an amateur tournament this year!”

“The second great thing here is the trust. The company trusts its employees in a way that truly is, in my opinion, remarkable. From the time that I joined, I have progressively been given more responsibility and challenges, and for a person at the beginning of their career, that I something that really makes you grow. It forces you – in a good way – to think about how you can best create value, and you learn immensely during this process. I’m sure I have learned much more during my time here than all my years in the university.”

Sustainability is deeply embedded in TactoTek’s strategy. How to most efficiently and how to manufacture electronics with the least amount of environmental impact are topics that are paramount to solve in the current world. At the forefront of this development, Janne plays a big part in driving forward all aspects of sustainability.

“I am passionate about sustainability. How to improve electronics manufacturing towards a direction of better environmental performance and how to ensure that products containing our technologies are recycled in the best way possible. Recycling, circular economy and carbon footprint are terms that we all have heard in many places over the years to the point of boredom but it is a different thing to really do tangible work on these topics. I am grateful and excited that I can work within areas that are truly in my ballpark.”

Janne’s path at TactoTek has taken him from a specialist to a manager, and we are more than happy to have him on board. 

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